Steam Boiler in a Confined Space: Hazards
OSHA and Confined Spaces
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has defined a confined space as a work area that "has limited or restricted means for entry or exit, and it is not designed for continuous employee occupancy." One area of primary safety concern in various industries is steam boilers. These boilers are usually quite large inside, therefore many tasks can be going on at one time. For this reason, it is important to be familiar with both OSHA and company safety standards if you plan to work inside a steam boiler.
Hazards in Confined Spaces
Confined spaces can present unique hazards that can include suffocation, asphyxiation, engulfment, heat stress and exposure to dangerous atmospheric conditions. Due to the fact that confined spaces have limited entrances and exits, it is important to strictly follow a company's safety procedures to keep yourself safe.
How to Protect Yourself
If you must work in a confined space such as a steam boiler, be sure to obtain the proper confined space permits before entering the work area. Also, it is paramount to have another worker serve as a "hole watch" to ensure that you remain safe while working in the confined space. The hole watch should always keep a radio or other contact device on hand to notify emergency responders if a dangerous situation presents itself.