A General Safety Walk-Through Checklist
Make sure your fire extinguisher isn't expired. Locate combustible materials that have been placed too close to each other. Try to spread them out throughout the area, or, if possible, throw away any of the materials if they're no longer necessary. Check the expiration date on all fire extinguishers and make sure they're kept in easily accessible locations. Find out if the sprinkler system is maintained regularly and if all fire alarms are functioning properly. Inspect electrical equipment for any exposed wires; fix damaged cords or replace them with new ones. Finally, make sure that all fire exits are equipped with panic hardware and that they're not dead-bolted or chained shut.
Make sure stairwells and other dark places are well lit for safety. Add slip-resistant material to the backs of rugs and to tub and shower floors. Check the sturdiness of all handrails, and add more lighting to dark hallways and stairwells. Insulate all exposed heating pipes. Finally, look through your utensils and move all sharp objects to a designated area away from children.
Hang toxic warning signs during a safety walk-through, where applicable. Remove cracking and chipped paint, which could contain lead. Make sure that all toxic chemicals are in properly sealed containers and are labeled clearly and kept separate from other non-toxic liquids cleaning agents. Safety showers and eye baths should be within a 10-second reach of where any potentially harmful chemicals are stored. Move all flammable liquids to a separate location away from chemical storage areas. Post warning signs that alert to any toxic risks in the area, and hang posters that explain how to get help if injured.