How to Prevent Accidents & Injuries

Accidents in the home account for about one-third of all injuries in the United States, according to the Home Safety Council. Home accidents are the second most common cause of accidental fatalities. Sporting injuries account for a large number of injuries and are often caused by a lack of safety equipment or concern. Whether working around the house or participating in an afternoon of sports, take certain precautions in order to prevent accidents and injuries.


  1. Preventing Accidents and Injuries at Home

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      Always wear the appropriate safety equipment when working around the house and yard and follow any directions when operating household machinery. Put away tools or machinery completely to avoid accidents.

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      Put away any cleaning chemicals, hazardous materials, and medications that could be harmful to children or pets. Place the dangerous substances in a high or locked cabinet.

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      Make sure that all household appliances, such as heaters, washers and dryers, and stoves, are working properly and have been safety tested to avoid fire and electrical shock injuries.

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      Install smoke alarms in each room and hallways and test them regularly. Ensure that locks on windows and doors can be easily opened from the inside of the house so that escaping a fire can be quick.

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      Keep pool areas locked and watch children very carefully around any water including pools, bathtubs, toilets and buckets filled with water. Make sure that children are no more than an arms distance away when around water.

    Preventing Accidents and Injuries in Leisure

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      Wear the appropriate protective equipment such as helmets, eye protections, elbow, wrist, and knee pads, mouth guards and footwear when playing sports, especially high contact sports. Make sure that the equipment fits properly because equipment that doesn't fit properly is a major cause of injuries.

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      Always wear the correct helmet for your sport or activity. Ensure that the helmet fits properly and does not tilt either forward or backward on your head.

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      Wear eye protection such as a face-mask, goggles, or prescription polycarbonate glasses. Choose eye protection that has cushions over the brow and nose and fits securely on your face.

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      Warm up before playing sports or participating in athletic activities. Not warming up can cause muscle strain and other injuries.

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      Take time to heal after injuries. Do not begin playing or participating until the injury has fully healed as unhealed injuries can be made worse by exertion.

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