Online Bloodborne Pathogen Training

Bloodborne pathogens are diseases such as Hepatitis B and C, and HIV/AIDS. These diseases are transmitted through blood. Career fields that involve working with blood are more at risk at contracting a bloodborne pathogen than others and must receive special training.
  1. Bloodborne Pathogen Standard

    • Issued in 1991 by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens was created to help lower the risk to people in high-risk career fields through education.

    Training Course

    • BIO300: Bloodborne Pathogen Training Course is required for anyone to work in a blood related field. The course will teach employees about safety precautions and protocol in case of exposure. Also the revised Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention Standard that became effective in April, 2001, require workers to learn how to safely handle needles. The course is offered on-line and is free.

    Refresher Course

    • OSHA has mandated that people who work with blood take an annual refresher course. The course can also be taken on-line and once completed, the OSHA database will automatically update.

    People Who Should Take Training

    • Anyone who works in a hospital setting, including orderlies and housekeeping, must take the training. Law enforcement officers, firefighters, dentists and laboratory works are also required.

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