How Does OSHA Check Fumes?
When to Call OSHA
Workers can contact OSHA if fumes in the workplace are making people sick. Headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting are common causes of a "sick building." OSHA gives workers the right to call for an inspection if unexplained fumes or suspicious health symptoms involved several workers.
Walkaround Inspection
An OSHA inspector will walk around the workplace, checking for sources that might cause the symptoms workers are experiencing. An OSHA report states that over half the causes of worker illness is due to inadequate ventilation. The inspector will check for improper, broken or blocked ventilation, and common causes of indoor air contamination in the particular workplace situation. Causes around the outside of the building and in nearby workplaces will also be checked.
Taking Samples
An inspector will be prepared to take samples of air, water, toxic chemicals, flooring, roofing and other things that could be the cause of the fumes and ensuing illnesses. An approved lab will check these samples, and recommendations will be given to the employer to solve the problem of fumes.