Construction First-Aid Training
Abrasions, Bruises and Cuts
Minor bodily injuries are among the most common incidents on construction sites, and first-aid training for employees should cover basic treatments. For bruises, apply cold packs with pressure as soon as possible in 10-minute intervals and raise the effected area above the level of the heart if possible. Cuts and scrapes should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water, then bandaged lightly.
Burn Treatments
Construction site workers should receive basic first-aid training in the treatment of minor first- and second-degree burns. One should first cool, not ice, the burn to reduce pain and swelling, then gently cover the area with sterile gauze and take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed.
Eye Injuries
Adequate first-aid training can be the difference between brief discomfort and permanent blindness. Proper flushing methods, covering and wrapping procedures as well as short-term treatments of eye injuries should be taught to construction workers whose eyesight may be in danger while on the job.