Teaching Strategies for Workplace Safety
Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer is a way of organizing information to help visualize connections. Work Safe BC recommends using an organizer called "See it. Think it. Do it." Create a chart with four columns. The first column is titled "Scenario." The next three columns are titled "See it," "Think it" and "Do it," respectively. Provide scenarios of various workplace issues, and record in the "Scenario" column. In the "See-it" column, have each employee record what is unsafe. In the "Think-it" column, she specifies why it is unsafe, and in the "Do-it" column, each employee records what she must do to fix the problem.
Safety Carousel
Set up four to five stations in the room. At each station, provide a picture of a workplace, a large piece of chart paper and a marker. In groups of two to three, have employees visit each station for one minute, observe the picture and record potential dangers on the piece of chart paper. Once employees have visited all stations post the chart papers, and discuss the observations and how the group can rectify each danger.
Games are generally popular regardless of subject matter or age of students. Create a bingo game that will increase recognition of workplace hazards by supplying employees with pictures of dangerous workplace situations on a bingo card. As the caller calls examples of hazardous situations, each player covers up the appropriate space on his card with a bingo chip. The first player to cover up a straight line of pictures wins. Alternatively, create clues, divide the class in two and play a game of Safety Jeopardy, similar to the television game show, Jeopardy. Read an answer to a question such as, "This piece of safety equipment helps avoid injury to your eyes." A player would reply with an answer of "What are safety goggles?"