Ear & Eye Protection & Portable Power Tool Safety
Eye Protection
Safety goggles. Wear eye protection for all tasks involving power tools--safety glasses or safety goggles. The glasses should have side shields and the surface must be made of plastic or other approved safety material. With tools such as grinders, full face shields offer added protection.
Hearing Protection
Hearing protection. Your hearing can be permanently damaged from exposure to the noise from power tools. In most cases, simple ear plugs will provide the protection needed. In severe cases, such as constant and prolonged exposure, more substantial protection may be required.
Power Tool Safety
Hand tool safety. People using hand-held power tools should be properly trained in the safe use of them. Always know the proper method of operating the machine, keep all guards and shields in place, and never operate a damaged or faulty piece of equipment. Make certain using the tool does not present a danger to others working in the area. Always inspect power cords for damage and do not operate electric power tools in a wet environment.