Biodiesel Plant Safety
Emergency Action Plan
Biodiesel plant employers must, according to OSHA 1910.38, provide each new employee with an emergency action plan. This plan details emergency routes, responsibilities of employees and designated safe areas. An employee alarm system must also be installed, with distinctive signals that correspond to different emergencies.
Evacuation Plans
Employers must educate their employees on the types of evacuations that may occur in a biodiesel plant. An evacuation warden must also be appointed to guide employees in the case of a partial or total evacuation. The warden must be able to account for the whereabouts of each employee, making sure each employee has been safely evacuated.
Fire Safety
The OSHA standard of fire prevention calls for the control of hazardous, combustible and flammable materials in case of a fire. Employers must also ensure that employees are knowledgeable about the control devices on the machinery involved in biodiesel-fuel production and that periodic testing of these devices is performed to prevent a fire.