Crane Sling Safety
Center Of Gravity
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), an object's center of gravity is the point at which the entire weight of the load is concentrated. To keep an item level when lifting it, the operator must hook the crane, using a sling, directly above the center of gravity. Otherwise the load will begin to tilt and create a dangerous situation.
Proper Care Of The Sling
If a sling is not properly cared for, it may not be able to safely lift materials as expected. Per OSHA regulations, the sling must not be subjected to sharp bends or sharp edges. This is done by using cover saddles, burlap padding or a wooden blocking device to protect it. Also, if a sling is applied to a load, the operator must not drag the load on the ground. This could cause damage to the sling and result in the sling breaking and causing injury.
Proper Sling Usage
The OSHA recommends that a check be made prior to lifting an object to verify that it has been properly secured and that the weight and balance of the load have been calculated properly. Once the load has been evaluated, the hook for the crane should be placed directly over the load and the sling should be placed firmly into the hook to prevent bending the hook or damaging the sling.