How do I Tie a Fire Ladder Lanyard?
Things You'll Need
- Durable Rope
- 1 or 2 Heavy-weight Carabiners (detachable metal loops)
Tie one end of the rope to a carabiner (detachable metal loop) with a bowline, following the steps below if you have never tied a bowline before.
Hold each end of the rope in opposite hands.
Clove Hitch Knot Make a small loop in one end of the rope with your left hand.
Bring the opposite, right end of the rope through the loop with your right hand. Make sure the right end is passing above the string used to make the loop.
Take the right end of the rope, which has just passed through the loop, and thread it around one of the loose ends of the loop on the left.
Take that same end (right) and bring it through the loop on the left again in the opposite direction. In other words, after placing the right end through the loop (above) and catching one loose end outside the loop, bring it around in the opposite direction (below) and pass through the left loop again.
Pull the top loose string in the opposite direction from all the other strings and watch the rope tighten to create a sturdy loop to which you can attach a carabiner.
Clove Hitch
A strong carabiner Attach the remaining end of rope (not connected to the carabiner) to a ladder using a clove hitch, a temporary knot often used in moorings. The clove hitch is used as a strong fastening knot which can be easily undone, making it ideal for situations that require both security and quick movement. You can also attach a carabiner to each end of the rope and simply attach the second carabiner to the ladder.
Loop the rope around the object to which you are trying to anchor, in this case the rung of a ladder. Hold one end in each hand, keeping the end without a carabiner in your right hand.
Cross the pieces, bringing your right hand over your left, and hold them above the ladder, forming an "x" with your hands below the two loose ends of rope.
Wrap the rope in your right hand behind the ladder rung again (in the same direction as the first wrap).
As you bring it forward (without tightening), string the end of the rope through the new wrap.
Tighten to tense the wraps and anchor the rope to the ladder.