Laboratory Equipment and Personal Protective Safety

Companies and employees can work together to make laboratories safer. This can include learning how to use laboratory equipment and wearing different types of personal protective equipment. Each employee requires proper laboratory safety knowledge.
  1. Types of Laboratory Equipment

    • Basic laboratory equipment can include glassware for mixing chemicals and refrigerators for storing them. More advanced laboratory equipment includes electrically powered equipment, such as microwave ovens. The Laboratory Safety Supply recommends laboratory workers receive training before operating any laboratory equipment. Company managers can monitor workers after employee training is complete.

    Types of Personal Protective Equipment

    • Companies can require their workers to use protective equipment. Personal protective equipment can help maintain laboratory worker safety. Types of protective equipment include laboratory coats, safety eye wear and gloves. Some laboratory workers have job duties that require more protection than other laboratory workers. For example, workers handling bio-hazards might need to wear full body suits.


    • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established laws to minimize workers injured in the workplace, such as a laboratory environment. Companies that fail to have proper laboratory equipment and authorize personal protective equipment can face fines. Companies with laboratories can protect themselves with employee laboratory safety plans.

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