Flame Arrester Types
Deflagration Flame Arresters
You should only use deflagration flame arresters on lines or tanks that store gases without detonation characteristics. Detonation characteristics refer to the gas's likelihood to explode when impacted or ignited by spark or flame. The deflagration flame arrester is only equipped to handle gases with deflagration characteristics, meaning they can stop rapid burning fires. Rapidly burning fires consist of a front flame that travels at a speed less than Mach 1 or in other words, less than a supersonic speed.
Detonation Flame Arresters
When a gas is exposed to fire or impacted and burns so fast that it creates an explosion, you need to use a detonation flame arrester to prevent the fire from traveling. The flames of explosions travel faster than the supersonic Mach 1. Detonation flame arresters also function well on pipeline with high or medium operating temperatures.
In-Line Flame Arresters
You can purchase in-line deflagration flame arresters or in-line detonation flame arresters, depending on the characteristics of the gas you're dealing with. You will usually install this type of flame arrester in the nozzle of a pipeline or tank to block a fire from spreading to the rest of the enclosed gas. These flame arresters can be installed vertically or horizontally.
End-of-Line Flame Arresters
Installed at the end of a pipeline or at the exit vent of a storage tank, end-of-line flame arresters prevent fires outside of the pipeline or tank. You would usually use these flame arresters for gases with deflagration characteristics. However, some companies do manufacture end-of-line detonation flame arresters.