How To Develop a Workplace Checklist From Health & Safety Legislation
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Word Processing Program
- Printer
- Paper
- Binder
- Binder Divider Tabs
- Pen
Determine the Contents of Your Checklist
Research the Health and Safety Regulations that apply to your specific state and workplace. Nationwide regulations can be found at Another good way to discover exactly what is expected of your workplace, and to get a full survey of the hazards that exist there is to request an on-site consultation visit
Write down, copy or type all regulations pertaining to your workplace, as well as what part of the Health and Safety legislation refers to that regulation, for example, s. 23(2). This will help you later if you need to clarify your notes.
Organize the regulations that pertain to your workplace. For example, all regulations regarding equipment should be together to allow any employee to easily find the regulation she is looking for.
Create Your Physical Checklist
Label binder dividers with the groupings you created earlier. You may have sections regarding hazardous materials, equipment storage, equipment operation, or worker safety equipment, to name a few possible categories. The way you organize your checklist should reflect the needs of your workplace.
Create easy-to-read pages for each Health and Safety item that needs to be checked. You may have a page in the "equipment operation" section that lists all large pieces of equipment, as well as the regulation outlining what is considered to be safe equipment operation. There should be boxes beside each item, which can be checked to make it clear that the item is in accordance with regulations, as well as a place for the person doing the checks to date and sign. Checklists are available for free on line from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, either for use or inspiration in developing your own.
Print multiple copies of any sheets that contain information which needs to be checked on a regular (daily, weekly, monthly) basis.
Keep the Health and Safety Checklist binder in an easily accessible place. Such documentation may need to be seen by a Health Inspector during an inspection.