Tailgate/Toolbox Safety Training
Tailgate safety training sessions should include all workers, or small groups at a time, who work together on a project or perform similar duties. Hold the meeting at any time the workers are able to gather together for a short time; the beginning or end of a day usually works well for supervisors. Some gathering place ideas include near the time clock, in a break area, on the job site or at a place where everyone picks up or turns in materials.
Give each workers a printed sheet that presents the safety and OSHA facts in writing. Discuss the safety issue and answer any questions that workers have. Short safety talks are available for purchase from safety resource companies; alternatively, you can adapt a training session from OSHA 10-hour course materials.
Document the safety training date, materials covered and the presenter for the company's files. Ensure each worker in attendance signs the sheet, and keep it in the safety training record files.