Safety Training for Flaggers
Flaggers are trained how to properly set up barricades and warning signs. Safety training for flaggers helps to make them aware of the hazards present while directing traffic, wear the appropriate safety gear and learn work procedures. It is required in many states to work during construction of state and federal roads. Training is provided either through a formal employer program or through a state training program, according to the Department of Transportation.
Flaggers are trained how to efficiently move traffic, get emergency vehicles through a work zone safely and communicate with other workers by radio. Setting up traffic warning signs and barricades properly is also taught. They also learn the proper use of the "STOP" and "SLOW" sign that they use on the job, reports Michigan Technical University.
Other Considerations
Moving emergency vehicles safely through the work zone is another facet of the training. Certified flaggers are professionals who can effectively help to protect both drivers and workers in the zone using appropriate procedures. Instructors for flagger safety training programs have to be certified to do so in their state according to established guidelines.