Pole Jack Safety
Pole jacks used with scaffolding should be set up away from power lines. Pole jacks are used as part of a system to support a platform connected to vertical poles with bracketing that can move vertically. These are used in scaffolding on the sides of buildings for workers to stand on. They are designed to hold a maximum of 500 lbs.
Setup Concerns
Inspect all parts of a pole jack before each use for damage and broken or worn parts. The surface you choose for the pole jack must be able to support the weight being lifted. When used to support scaffolding, make sure none of the parts are near electrical wiring or power lines.
Other Considerations
Wood poles used for support have to be free of defects, such as knots. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires that the braces, support brackets and related parts be constructed of metal. They suggest that no more than two workers stand on the scaffold at the same time. Wood poles used as a vertical supports are suggested to be 30 feet tall or less.