Types of Respirator Cartridges
HEPA Cartridge
A HEPA cartridge is designed to filter out extremely fine particles of toxic dust floating in the air. Some areas where this should be used is asbestos removal, coal dust environments, or silica environments. The cartridge should be checked often and replaced when needed, since a clogged cartridge will not allow you breathe. This is especially important if you are in a high particulate count environment.
Organic Vapor Cartridge
The organic vapor cartridge is used to filter out organic solvents, such as acetone or toluene. It is also used for petroleum distillates, such as gasoline, and alcohol. According to the University of California at Santa Cruz, it should not be used where concentrations exceed 1,000 parts per million (1,000 ppm). Concentrations over 1,000 ppm exceed the limits of a respirator, and other breathing apparatus must be used.
Acid Gas Cartridge
An acid gas/mist cartridge is used in environments that have acidic atmospheres. An example is around a battery bank that produces sulfuric acid vapors, or anywhere that has a high acid vapor environment. Bear in mind the concentration levels cannot exceed the design of the cartridge. Concentration level limits vary, and Colorado State University recommends to check with the cartridge manufacturer's limits before entering into an unknown environment.
Combination Cartridge
A combination cartridge is for environments that have more than one chemical. The environment may have acid vapors, organic solvents, or particulates. Many manufacturing facilities have harsh environments, so it's best to have a combination cartridge or two on hand, just in case.
Mercury Cartridge
A mercury cartridge is specifically designed for mercury vapor environments. This should be in the safety toolbox as well, since an unknown environment may contain mercury. Concentration limits are usually printed on the cartridge. If not, check with the manufacturer of the respirator before entering an environment.
Pesticide Cartridge
If you work in a farm setting, a pesticide cartridge is a requirement. This filters out common pest and herbicides found in an agrarian setting. Manufacturers specify the limit of the cartridge; again it is important not to exceed the limits specified.