Who Can Legally Give Intravenous Therapy?
Registered Nurses
A registered nurse may legally administer intravenous therapy. Training to do so is provided during the nursing education curriculum. The nurse provides this therapy under the supervision and per request of the physician.
Practical Nurses
The licensed practical or vocational nurse can only administer intravenous therapy if she has had adequate training. This may also require certification, but will vary by state. In addition to this, I.V. therapy from the LPN must be under the supervision of a registered nurse or other qualified health care practitioner and other restrictions may apply.
Emergency Medical Technicians
An emergency medical technician, commonly called an EMT or paramedic depending on training and location, can start and maintain I.V. therapy in some situations. This too will depend on the scope of practice within that particular state, and special training to perform this intervention is almost always required.
Health Occupations Students
Students going into nursing and other fields can provide intravenous therapy under appropriate supervision in the clinical setting. Many restrictions may apply and not all facilities will allow students to partake in this aspect of care.