Canadian MSDS Requirements
The Three Must-Have MSDS Headings for Canada
According to CCOHS, there are 53 subheadings that are required for Canadian MSDS. Of these 53, three are mandated to appear in all MSDS sheets.
1. Product ingredients
2. Who prepared the MSDS (name and phone number)
3. Date the MSDS was prepared.Sections 1 through 10 that follow each list what must be included, per CCOHS.
Section 1-Chemical Product and Company Identification
1. The product identification, exactly the same as the WHMIS label
2. The manufacturer's identification (name, address, city, province, postal code and phone number)
3. The supplier's identification (as for manufacturer)
4. The intended use of the product
5. The identification of the party responsible for producing the MSDS
6. Date MSDS was prepared.
Section 2-Composition/Information on Ingredients
1. Ingredients and components are specifically listed if they are
a) Controlled products
b) Are on the WHMIS Ingredient Disclosure List
c) May be harmful to anyone
d) Have toxicological properties that are unknown.2. Each ingredient’s CAS Registry Number
3. Each ingredient’s LD50 (route and species)
4. Limit of exposure for ingredients.
Section 3-Hazards Identification
1. Emergency overview
2. Potential effects on health, including:
a) The route of entry
b) Effects of chronic exposure to the chemical
c) Effects of acute exposure to the chemical.
Section 4-First Aid Measures
1) Information on first aid measures for each potential route of entry.
Section 5-Fire Fighting Measures
Ensure you have the proper fire fighting equipment for the chemicals being used. 1. The chemical's conditions of flammability
2. The chemical's means of extinction
3. The flash point (closed cup flash points are preferred)
4. The upper flammability limit
5. The lower flammability limit
6. The auto-ignition temperature
7. The products that can cause hazardous combustion
8. Data about the explosive properties for mechanical impact and static discharge.
Section 6-Accidental Release Measures
1. The information relating to accidental spills or leaks.
Section 7-Handling and Storage
1. The procedures for handling the product
2. The equipment required for handling the product
3. The storage requirements for the product.
Section 8-Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Proper personal protective equipment is a safety essential. 1. The personal protective equipment required to use the product
2. The engineering controls that are specifically to be used.
Section 9-Physical and Chemical Properties
1. The physical state of the product (liquid, solid or gas)
2. The appearance
3. The odor
4. Odor threshold
5. Specific gravity
6. Vapor pressure
7. Vapor density
8. Evaporation rate
9. Boiling point
10. Freezing point
11. The pH.
Section 10-Stability and Reactivity
1. Information on when the product is chemically unstable
2. Names of classes of substance or specific substances with which the product is not compatible
3. Any conditions of product reactivity
4. Hazardous decomposition product identity.
Sections 11 to 16
Section 11-Toxicological information must include:
1. Irritant properties
2. Sensitization
3. Carcinogenicity
4. Reproductive toxicity
5. Teratogenicity
6. Mutagenicity
7. Name of products that are toxicologically able to go with the product.Section 12-Ecological information
CCOHS and WHMIS do not require any specific information to be in this heading.
Section 13-Disposal considerations must contain:
1. How to dispose of the product as waste material.
Section 14-Transport information must contain:
1. The Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods PIN number
2. Any specific or special information on transporting the product.Section 15-Regulatory information
This section should have a standard hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Registration, as well as the WHMIS classification.
Section 16-Other information
WHMIS and CCOHS do not require any specific information to be in this section outside of the standard guidelines.