Tips on Welding Out of Position
General Tips
When welding out-of-position, gravity can work against you and pull the puddle down towards where you are standing. Try to find a position in which you can maintain proper stick-out as well as see both the arc and the puddle. If you are doing MIG welding and have to work out-of-position, try using a little less voltage and a slower wire feed speed to maintain control and create a smaller puddle. Use reverse polarity to concentrate the heat to the tip of the electrode, which makes the work cooler, and thus allows the puddle to cool faster.
Drop your work angle to either zero or 15 degrees for a horizontal position. Doing this helps with the effects of gravity on the weld. A steady pace that is not too slow with a wire that isn't thick ensures that you get the right amount of metal in the puddle and it does not sag on you. To bridge a gap with poor fit-up, or to make a multi-pass weld, try using a back-and-forth weave bead.
The vertical down welding position is a bit tricky, as the puddle can get ahead of the arc and become an insulator that reduces penetration. This requires the welder to move fast to keep on the leading edge. When doing vertical down welding, try to use thinner sheets that are 3/16-inch thick and cold-rolled steel. Thin sheets increase the overall welding speed by providing reduced penetration and are less likely to burn through.
For vertical up welding you can use either hot- or cold-rolled steel that is 3/16-inch thick and up, in order to get a nice depth on the arc's penetration. If using a groove weld in this position, try to use a side-to-side technique, moving the arc from right to center to left to create a triangle. This technique provides a good foundation for the next pass that you make. Be sure to pause slightly at each joint side to allow for the metal to fuse properly.
Overhead welding can be particularly trying as you have to lower the heat and move quickly to keep your weave narrow. The puddle needs to remain small so that the metal stays in the joint. Be sure to work in a position that has you standing out form under the weld puddle. It is also crucial, here more than anywhere else, to wear all of the required safety gear so that your skin is well-protected. Check to make sure that your jacket is securely closed, and keep your head covered with a hat and face shield.