Safety Requirements for Office Furniture
Cramped work spaces can contribute to body aches and sprains in office workers, especially those who spend most of the day in front of a desk. Office furniture should be roomy enough for all workers to work comfortably. It is also important to consider the individual needs and tasks that each worker performs. The work desk needs to have ample room for storage and for devices that the worker uses on a daily basis. Inadequate space and cramping can contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome and other problems.
Ergonomic furniture is designed to maximize the comfort and relaxation of the person using it. To be considered ergonomic, office chairs must provide adequate support to the back and legs. They must also be properly balanced and resistant to tipping over. Comfortable armrests are another essential feature. Workers must be able to easily maneuver the chair around and turn, for example, when multitasking. Similarly, office tables or work desks must be of a comfortable height for the user.
Furniture containing toxic products, such as formaldehyde, may increase toxicity in the office environment. It is important to avoid paints that contain lead and other toxins. Furniture must be fireproof and flame-retardant.
Stable and Sturdy
From time to time, management must check office furniture for signs of cracks, loose bolts or screws and other signs of damage. An employee who unknowingly uses a damaged piece of furniture can be seriously injured. Ladders must be secure and strong enough to take the weight of any employee, plus additional equipment or files. Bookshelves must be sturdy and preferably fastened to walls, to prevent a collapse in the event of overloading or unbalanced distribution of books or files. To prevent falls, railings on staircases must be free of any damage.
An important safety requirement is adjustability. Each employee should be aware of the process for adjusting furniture according to personal requirements. It is preferable to have adjustable chairs and tables for this purpose. Adjustable armrests are highly beneficial, because they help reduce fatigue in the wrist and other parts of the arm.