Nebraska OSHA Excavation Checklist
The excavation site must be inspected by a qualified person before any work begins at the site, every day pre-shift, throughout the shift and whenever there is a threat to the strength of the trench---such as heavy rain, or vehicle or equipment damage to the trench. The qualified inspector must have knowledge of OSHA requirements, protective systems and soil analysis. This person must also have the authority to immediately correct any work hazards at the excavation site.
Protective Systems
Protective systems to protect workers from cave-ins and other hazards must be designed by a qualified person also. This person may be a registered engineer or someone who is knowledgeable on the OSHA standards for excavation. Standard 1926.652 requires the excavation site meet specific slope, support and other appropriate protective system requirements to protect workers from cave-ins. In addition to systems that protect workers from cave-ins, other precautionary planning and measures should be taken to protect from hazardous fumes, electrical contact and gas explosions. Contact appropriate authorities to find the locations of underground pipelines and electrical lines. Test for proper oxygen levels and provide adequate ventilation through respiratory protection, if needed.
Working In and Near Trenches
Nebraska's Department of Labor and OSHA require workers also be protected from falls, machinery and excavated materials. OSHA standards require excavated materials be kept back from the trench at least two feet or with retraining devices. Also, employees may not work underneath any digging or loading machinery while in use and operators of these machines must make sure workers are clear. To avoid falls, walk and work surfaces should be strong enough to handle workers. Ladders or other adequate equipment must be provided to allow for safe entry and exit from the excavation site.