Safety Job Descriptions
Safety Director
The safety director will head up the safety program. A primary part of any safety program is the monthly safety meeting. Careful notes should be kept of the meeting. Open issues from the previous safety meeting will be discussed, new issues brought up and a report on any accidents or injuries that have occurred. Safety issues will be given priorities and assigned a target completion date. Anyone attending the meeting may voice concerns over any safety issue.
Manager/lead person will investigate and report on any accident involving personnel or equipment. The investigator should question anyone involved in the accident or who witnessed the accident. The goal is to determine the root cause of the accident. Once the root cause has been determined, recommendations can be made to modify the workplace or equipment or re-train personal to help prevent further accidents of this type. The manager must follow up to insure these actions are implemented.
Safety Trainer
The trainer plays a key role in any safety program. Forklift operators must be trained and certified before they can operate the machines. Employees must be trained in the proper wearing and use of personal protective equipment. This can include eye protection, hearing protection, fall arrest systems and protective clothing.The director also must insure that all personal are properly trained in specific functions, such as the proper use of hand tools, welding and lock-out-tag-out procedures.