Marine Corps Safety

The Marine Corps trains its members to minimize risks and to be safe in all aspects of their daily duties. Accident prevention through education, accountability and data analysis helps to keep Marines ready to fight and at their best.
  1. CMC Safety Division Force Preservation

    • This CMC Safety Division of the Marine Corps' primary purpose is to preserve Marines' health and safety through programming and risk minimization. The division is charged with overseeing responsibility for safety regulations and training. When an accident does occur, this division handles the investigation. It also does safety inspections and analyzes data from past accidents.

    Safety Training

    • Analysis of accident data can improve military procedures, such as transportation.

      The Marine Corps uses safety education as a major tool to prevent accidents. Through the Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center, Marines can take courses on-site or online. Topics such as ground safety, confined space safety and suicide awareness are among the areas covered.


    • The Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned collects data used to create a knowledge base that can be applied to prevent accidents and improve current practices. Patterns of past mistakes can also be identified and corrected.

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