How to Report an Army Accident
Things You'll Need
- Either the DSN (Defense Switched Network) or Commercial telephone number for the U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center which is on alert 24/7.
- Access to the proper forms/ worksheets for either an aviation or ground accident respectively.
- E-mail access to send the completed worksheet as an attachment.
Determine whether the accident constitutes an "Army Accident." These scenarios include but are not limited to injury to active personnel, on-duty civilian personnel, and other members of the public who are injured and the Army is either fully or partly responsible. Also, damage to Army-property, property leased to the Army, and other scenarios involving damage caused, at least in part, by Army actions.
Contact the Army Combat Readiness Center by either DSN or commercial telephone immediately. This will help to ensure the rapid response of any relief which is necessary. Also, the sooner the Army can arrive on the scene, the sooner it can begin investigating the causes of the accident. The Army has a great deal of training and protocols for accident investigations. It needs to be able to use them in a timely and advantaged manner. The phone numbers needed are located at the Immediate Notification site provided below.
Complete the requisite worksheet, pertaining either to an aviation or ground accident. Attach it to an email and send it to the Army's Safe Operations email address. A site-specific hyper link to this email address and the capacity to download the requisite worksheets are also located at the official Army accident site presented above.