Safety Meeting Games & Topics
Safety Equipment and Clothing
Employees that work in hazardous environments, such as labs with chemicals, factories or warehouses, are often required to wear and use safety clothing and equipment. For example, people who work on a cosmetics product line must wear hairnets, safety goggles and gloves to prevent contamination of the products, as well as protect their eyes and hands from harmful lights and chemicals. Many workers simply forget to use the protective equipment because they are in a hurry.
Managers and supervisors must hold safety meetings to explain the reasons why the clothing and equipment are mandatory, as well as the consequences of what could occur if not used. The serious conversation can then be followed up with a safety clothing relay race. The employees are divided into teams and given a stack of safety clothing that typically includes rubber boots, coveralls, safety goggles or glasses, hairnets, hardhats and gloves. One by one, the employees must put on all the safety clothing and walk quickly to a designated point and return back to the starting line. The next employee on the team repeats the action, and so on. The team who completes the exercise first wins.
Basic Safety Games
While office employees may not be at risk of losing a hand or arm in a conveyor belt incident, many accidents still occur in the office. Some examples of common office workplace injuries include trips or falls, eyestrain and back problems due to improper lifting methods. In workplace safety training classes, all potential injuries and risks should be discussed, along with their preventative techniques.
After discussing the safety information, divide the employees into small teams and play trivia games that cover the meeting's information. Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy are both fun formats to ask the safety questions. According to Workplace Safety Tips, Safety Bingo is fun game to motivate employees to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. The game is played by distributing Bingo cards to all employees. Each day, a Bingo number is drawn and posted in the employee break room, and the same game (and card) is played until there is an accident or injury in the workplace.
Safety Hazards Hunt
If the office or home has potential safety hazards, such as cluttered walkways or blocked exits, play a safety hazards hunt game. This game is similar to a scavenger hunt, as participants are sent out to identify and write down what they find. However, in this game, they are looking for potential safety issues. This is a good game for new parents who are baby-proofing their homes as well. Parents can look for open electrical sockets and easily-accessible cabinets that store harmful chemical products and bleach.