Pipe Wrench Safety

Pipe wrenches are an essential tool for plumbers working with circular shapes pipes. They provide the grip to get the job done, but must be used with care. Safety has to be a priority to avoid accidents and injuries.
  1. Using the Right Wrench

    • Pipe wrenches should only be used for their intended purpose, which is generally working with fittings for plumbing pipes. Using it for a job it is not intended for can create a potential accident.

    Before Starting to Work

    • The "teeth" in a pipe wrench's jaws must be clean and in good condition. A wrench with worn jaws can slip. If it is damaged, the wrench should be replaced

    Using the Wrench

    • The wrench should be operated in a controlled, slow manner, without jerking. The user must be in a position where he or she has good balance and won't be injured if the wrench slips. The pipe wrench, when positioned, should face forward.

    Safety Equipment

    • At times, debris may fly from a surface when using a pipe wrench. The best protection from this is wearing a face shield or using safety goggles or glasses. Shoes with a good grip on the bottom are also beneficial.

    Other Considerations

    • Pipe wrenches are not made to bend pipes or to loosen a bolt. Using it for other unintended purposes, such as a hammer, can be dangerous. It is essential to use the right size wrench for the pipe you are working with.

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