How to Get Certified to Train People on Safety
Enroll in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA), outreach training program, which provides a one week course certifying individuals to instruct either 10 hour or 30 hour safety classes in construction or general industry. The program covers various topics in safety and health hazards and is managed by the OSHA Training Institute and OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. Information on enrolling in the outreach program is available on their website, as well as a list of schools and organizations who offer such courses to obtain certification and degrees.
Obtain certification through the World Safety Organization, which aims to train individuals in environmental, health and occupational safety, as well as accident prevention. The WSO offers 16 certification programs that allow safety professionals to train and manage workers. To obtain certification, you must apply through their website. Select certifications require exams to be taken. The WSO will contact individuals who require an exam for certification and provide the location, date and time.
Take an independent study programs offered by the National Association of Safety Professionals online. Students may download documents from the website to study at their own pace, for up to six months. Certifications are divided into two programs: Professional Certification and Topical Training. Professional Certification consist of 12 different programs offered to obtain a wider understanding on OSHA regulations. Topical training allows individuals to become certified in specific areas of safety, which you can receive after completing one of the 29 courses provided, in topics such as a Forklift Safety or Accident Investigation.
Get training through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals to identify hazards that may pose a problem to workers, the public, industries and properties. Certification is granted to those who have attended a two or four year institution and who have a minimum of three years professional safety experience. To obtain certification through the BCSP, you must apply and register to take the proper examinations required. Upon acceptance in the program, an annual fee will be required to obtain certification, as well as a collection of 25 Continuance of Certification points, obtained over the course of five years. You may apply for examinations by downloading an application from the BCSP website and submitting it by mail, to the address provided on the form.
Certification may also be received through an institution of higher education. Majoring as an Occupational Health and Safety Technician at a two year college, four year university or trade school, will allow you to gain knowledge of workplace hazards and accident prevention, as well as state and federal safety regulations, as established by current laws. View the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics website for more information about training in your area.