Health Safety Issues
Individual Illnesses
Individuals in the workplace may become ill in many different ways, such as through exposure to chemicals, gases or vapors; as a result of sick building syndrome (for example in a poorly ventilated workplace); or in some occupations, through contact with animals carrying disease. Such risks can be minimized by good workplace hygiene and ventilation, secure storage of dangerous substances, and where necessary, protective clothing and equipment.
Individual Injuries
Protective clothing is required in some occupations. Occupational injuries have countless causes, from badly maintained equipment to faulty walkways, scaffolding and shelving, to employee negligence. In many countries, including the United States, regulatory authorities enforce standards for safety in the workplace, making detailed recommendations for inspections of site and equipment and for safe practices in just about every type of work.
Accidents and Major Incidents
An industrial accident can turn into an environmental disaster. Despite precautions, accidents still occur. Health and safety professionals follow detailed protocols in responding to accidents, reporting them to appropriate authorities and correcting the causes. At industrial and chemical sites in particular, accidents can become major incidents and even widespread disasters, affecting not only employees but members of the public and even the environment. Catastrophes at nuclear power stations, for example, count as major workplace safety failures.
Ergonomic Issues
A well-designed work station can avoid chronic health problems. Ergonomic problems may not be as dramatic as accidents, but are a major health concern in the workplace. Ergonomics is the study of the way in which an individual worker interacts with his work station, whether it be a factory conveyor belt or a desk with a computer. Chronic health problems can be caused by bad posture, unsuitable furniture or badly designed equipment, repetitive strain in performing tasks, bad lighting and inadequate breaks from work.