Termite Fumigation Safety
All fumigation products are poisonous to humans. Due to the toxic nature of fumigants, precautions should be taken when they are used. When these products are used with care, the procedure of applying them becomes less hazardous, per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It is important to know before starting to use a fumigant how much can safely be used, and for how long it can be used until it is no longer safe to be exposed to it. The amount and the exposure limit are dependent on the specific fumigant.
Regular Exposure
There is an increased risk to workers who are exposed to fumigants on a regular basis. Those who are regularly exposed to fumigation chemicals should inform their physician of their exposure, and they should have regular check-ups.
Safety Before and After Fumigation
There are safety measures and precautions that should be put in place before fumigation starts. Before the procedure begins you should make sure that there is more than one person working on the project in case of an emergency. Those involved in the fumigation process should be trained in first aid, and a first aid kit should be close by when fumigation begins.
Safety During Fumigation
During fumigation care should be taken to make sure that the chemicals do not touch skin. If the chemicals should come in contact with skin, the affected area should be rinsed immediately with soap and water. Any clothes that come in contact with the fumigant should be taken off as soon as possible. Gas masks that are approved by a government authority should be used during the fumigation process.
Fumigation isn't the only option for getting rid of termites. There is also a liquid treatment that kills termites on contact, as well as termite baits that spread pesticides. Borate termite treatments can be applied to the wood of the home when it is being built.