Glock Manual Safety
Safety Features
The Glock contains several built-in safety features. The trigger safety, operating as a lever, blocks the trigger from firing when untouched. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the gun will not fire. A firing pin safety projects into the firing pin cutout, blocking it until the trigger is pulled. Finally, the safety function of the trigger housing mechanism, or drop safety, releases when the firing pin pushes the trigger bar onto the safety ramp.
Safety Hazards
The three safety mechanisms that are built into the Glock are all internal. The Glock does not come with any external safety mechanisms, such as an external manual safety lever, an exposed hammer, or a "decocker," unlike Single or Double Action triggers.
Manual Safety
The Glock manual safety has been developed as an additional external safety mechanism. This can further enhance your ability to prevent accidental discharges. It is a separate, stainless steel attachment that is installed in the frame of the gun. The Glock manual safety functions similar to that of the Colt 1911 safety, and requires that the safety be disengaged before the gun can fire.
Safety Instances
Particular instances might necessitate the addition of a manual safety. For instance, if a law enforcement officer is involved in a struggle with a suspect, and the suspect grabs the officer's gun, the manual safety will give the officer added seconds to de-arm the suspect or to call for back-up. A citizen may find herself in a similar situation with an attacker who gains possession of the individual's concealed weapon. The manual safety can deter the aggressor long enough to provide precious time to escape to safety.
Safety Fundamentals
Even with the addition of a manual safety, other simple and essential rules of gun safety apply. For example, always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction and handle as if loaded. Store firearms unloaded, secured in a safe location and out of the reach of children and untrained adults. Never use a firearm without proper training and knowledge of full safety procedures.