Checklist for Worker Safety
Clear Workspace
Employees should work in an uncluttered workspace. Keeping the workspace neat allows employees to quickly access documents, materials, or equipment, and to also help prevent work-related injuries from hazards that could be hiding among clutter. Make sure that employees know how to keep their workspace neat and organized, particularly when working around machinery or other potentially hazardous equipment.
Complete Safety Training
Every company should have safety rules or training available to their employees. Make sure that your workers have either completed or had the opportunity to attend and complete a workplace training seminar if available. If not, coach your employees on workplace safety and provide them with a handout outlining company safety policy and procedures that they can easily reference while working.
Talk with your employees. Make sure that they understand that they can come to their supervisors with any work-related safety questions or to report any injuries or potential hazards. Supervisors are generally in charge of several employees and cannot observe all of them at one time. Opening a line of communication with your employees can help you to identify and correct any potential safety issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Personal Safety Equipment
Many positions require that employees wear personal safety equipment at all times while in the workplace. This can include safety glasses or goggles, a face mask, earplugs, or gloves among other things. Know what safety equipment each position requires and check to make sure that each employee is correctly utilizing their personal safety equipment. This will help to cut down on work injuries related to negligence while working with hazardous equipment or materials.