Mine Safety Rules
Always Use Lights and Headlamps
While some mines will have limited electrical lights throughout the mine shaft, there are still many areas that are too dark to work in. Miners should carry a flashlight and wear a headlamp at all times while in the mine. Prior to beginning work, each worker should check the functionality of his lights and should seek assistance if his lights should malfunction while he is working. It is a good idea for the miner to carry additional batteries for lights if possible during his shift to help reduce time lost in the event of a light malfunction.
Protective Gear
Because of the hazardous situations that miners face while working, it is very important that they wear protective gear at all times. This can include steel-toe boots to protect the feet from falling objects, gloves and a hard hat. Miners may also wish to wear a face mask to help prevent the inhalation of caustic chemicals which could cause breathing problems and diseases such as black lung. Mine workers should constantly maintain their protective gear and replace any work or broken items immediately to help prevent injury.
Stay Near Ventilations Shafts
Mines are notorious for having poor ventilation systems for workers who are required to work underground. Miners should attempt to stay as near as possible to ventilation shafts in order to ensure that they are receiving enough oxygen while they work. This also cuts down on the chances of a miner inhaling caustic chemicals or other substances. If a ventilation shaft is not available near the miner's work station, he should wear a face mask or have oxygen on hand in case of emergency.
Company Responsibility
Mining companies are legally responsible for doing everything possible to ensure the safety of their workers. The federal government requires that mining companies provide a stipend to workers to help provide for safety equipment for workers such as steel-toe boots. Companies are also responsible for providing workers with safety training and making sure that all employees are following safety rules while on the property. Workers who engage in unsafe practices while on the job may be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal by the mining company. Mining companies are required to pass state and federal safety inspections and must account for each work-related injury suffered on their property.