Fire Safety Tips for Businesses
Fire Safety Director
Choose an employee to be the fire safety director for your organization. You should also appoint an alternate fire safety director. According to the Seattle Fire Department, a fire safety director is especially important in a high-rise building---a building that is 75 feet above fire department access.The fire safety director is responsible for controlling a situation that involves a fire until the fire department arrives. This employee should review, master and revise fire safety plans. She should also coordinate fire drills and schedule fire safety and training presentations for other employees.
Fire Extinguishers
According to the Department of Labor, every business must have portable fire extinguishers. Employees should be able to readily locate the extinguishers. They must be easily accessible and fully charged at all times and should never leave their designated spot, except in the event of a fire. No employee should have to travel more than 50 to 75 feet to access an extinguisher. Fire extinguishers must also be regularly inspected.
Evacuation Plans
Evacuation plans will vary depending on the type of business and how many people will need to be evacuated. Evacuation routes should include escape routes and alternate escape routes for every room. Evacuation plans should also indicate which employees are responsible for carrying out particular duties and a concrete procedure for reporting a fire to the fire department. Employees should also be aware of the procedures for accounting for all present employees. The floor plan should include the following information: exits, where to assemble, primary and alternate evacuation routes, where to take cover, location of fire alarms and extinguishers, and the location of the fire alarm controls.
Fire Drills
Even if fire drills are not required in your area, the Seattle Fire Department recommends holding regular drills, both announced and unannounced. Encourage all building occupants to participate and maintain records of the drills.