PPE Safety Tips
Ear protection
Ear plugs help prevent ear damage in high-noise areas. Protect your ears with earplugs or earmuffs on a job with high noise. Even a usually quiet job site may have times when construction or cleaning crews make excessive noise. Discard disposable ear plugs after each use. Wash hands before inserting earplugs and wipe off muffs with a mild cleaning solution to prevent ear contamination.
Eye and face PPE
Goggles and safety glasses keep materials from splashing or being thrown into the eyes. Goggles or safety glasses protect the eyes from flying objects or hazardous fluids, as well as from computer glare and sunlight. Wear properly-fitting glasses or goggles made from high-quality safety materials. Fasten side guards onto glasses for further protection. Have prescription safety glasses made if you wear prescription glasses.
Full face masks are needed in jobs where chemicals or welding sparks can burn the face and eyes. Unless the mask is attached to respirators, wear the mask WITH safety glasses or goggles.
Gloves for different fobs
Gloves protect the hands from chemicals, blood-borne pathogens, hot or sharp equipment, and for many factory and construction jobs. Wear the correct gloves for the job, being aware of your allergies to certain glove materials. Change and dispose exam or food-service gloves when moving to a new area. Keep cotton gloves dry.
Protect your arms
Arms can be protected with long gloves, long potholder mitts, or long sleeves, depending on the job being performed. Be sure that materials or liquids cannot fall from a higher workspace into the top of the long gloves or mitts.
Work shoes and boots
Nonslip shoes are sufficient for many jobs. Steel-toe boots are needed for most factory, construction, and lawn-care jobs, or for working on slick or debris-ridden surfaces. Tie the shoes or boots tightly to prevent harmful materials from damaging feet or ankles.
Full body protection tips
Wear coveralls that fit, rather than having sleeves or legs loose enough to be caught in machinery or cause tripping. Lab coats should be buttoned to protect the body from chemicals or bodily fluids. Be sure coveralls are sufficient to stop hot materials from burning through. Change PPE in case of spills or damaged protective clothing.
Head protection
Hardhats are mandatory for many jobs. Wear a hardhat approved for the type of work being done. Be sure the hardhat fits well. Keep the chin strap fastened if working in an area with danger of falling debris. Wear the hardhat until exiting the work area.
Respirators protect the respiratory system from dangerous fumes, smoke, and other hazards. Have a respirator fit test performed before using one. Use the same respirator each time. Clean the equipment after using. Check it before using each time.
Fall protection
Prevent fall injuries or death by wearing the correct harness or safety belt. Choose a harness or safety belt for its effectiveness in preventing falls. Wear well-fitting equipment. Refuse to use damaged fall-protection gear.