Workplace Health & Safety Responsibilities
Accidents Are Preventable
Number one cause of accidents in the workplace Falls are the number one workplace accident. They occur daily in companies across the country. And yet they are easily prevented. It only takes a bit of thought and consideration and an attitude of safety.
One of the most effective things any worker can do to prevent accidents is simply be mindful of what's going on around him. Too often, workers stroll down a hallway, reading a report or texting someone. This can be dangerous. Suppose the guy before you did exactly the same thing and spilled his coffee? Now you happen along, oblivious to the floor's wet condition and before you know it, your feet fly out from under you and you're lying on your backside calling for help.
The Spread of Illness
A fever means you're contagious Another culprit of workplace productivity is illness. Perhaps you wake up in the morning feeling sick and feverish. You know you should stay home but have important projects that must be completed by day's end. You shower, dress and head to the office coughing and sneezing all the way there.
By the time you enter the building, get your coffee, and head to your office, you've come in contact with half a dozen people. If only three of them become infected and each of those spread the illness to three others, it quickly becomes an epidemic.
Tips To Stay Well
Accident and illness is preventable There are many strains of flu now, some very serious and extremely contagious. It's up to each of us to contain the spread of flu and other communicable illnesses. According to the CDC, the best protection against contracting the flu is vaccination and they recommend two per flu season.
Always get your flu shot when health officials recommend it. Stay home if you have a fever. Sneeze into a tissue or handkerchief. The CDC recommends that you cough into your arm, bent at the elbow. Wash your hands with disinfectant soap several times each day. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable. Drink plenty of water.
Workplace Health and Safety Depends on You
Healthy, safe work environment There's no magic formula for workplace health and safety. The responsibility lies with each of us. The following are a few final reminders: be mindful of where you're walking; adopt an attitude of safety; watch out for potential hazards in and around your office; keep your work area free of clutter; a fever means you're contagious, stay home and see a doctor as soon as possible.