OSHA Metal Press Brake Safety
The most common injuries involving metal press brakes are known as “point of operation” injuries. Basically, operators get limbs caught between the stock and the machine’s frame. Amputation injuries are typical for these accidents. Some causes for injuries include: control switches (activation) are inadvertently triggered, operator’s lack of attention, and intentionally bypassing safety controls.
The most common safeguard devices are called physical guards. They are devices that make it nearly impossible for an operator to get his hands and fingers under the brake. Other safeguarding devices include presence sensing and restraint devices. A presence sensing device deactivates the machine if the operator’s hands get too close. Restraint devices are straps on the operator’s hands that prevent him from getting too close.
Other Controls
Ergonomics is a significant factor in the safety and health of workers. Stress and fatigue caused by an uncomfortable work environment can cause workers to lose their focus, resulting in an accident. Devices to improve ergonomics at a press brake include a padded floor mat for the operator to stand on, or if feasible, a stool or chair.
Only properly trained personnel should be allowed to operate machinery. All operators should know how to test the safeguards to ensure that they function properly. Operators should report any problems to the maintenance department. Further, operators should be fully aware of the hazards if safety devices are bypassed.
Proper maintenance and repair of machinery is a key factor of worker safety. Normal lubrication and other simple maintenance tasks can often be accomplished while the machine is running. However, when it is necessary to shut down the press brake for maintenance or repair, there are safety steps that must be taken. The control panel needs to be tagged out or locked out. This means literally placing a padlock on the panel to prevent anyone from turning on the power to the machine. Another safety device on many press brakes are blocks or pins placed under the die on the brake that prevent it from dropping.
After the maintenance workers are finished with repairs, they must visually verify that all workers are clear of the machine and that all maintenance safety devices (blocks and pins) are removed before the power is restored. The lock out/tag out can be removed, power turned back on, and operation can begin.