General Safety Procedures
Equipment Inspections
Any equipment or machinery used regularly in the workplace should have inspections and proper maintenance to insure it is in good working order at all times. Improperly maintained or damaged equipment can fail and result in severe injury leading to lawsuits, significant lost time and productivity and general concern by others who must also use the equipment.
No Horseplay
Horseplay should get no toleration in the workplace because of possible of accidents and injuries. Even in the safest environments, this type of misconduct can cause injuries or unsafe conditions for those involved or others trying to work around them.
Obey Posted Safety Signs
Safety and other instructional signs hang in places of business for a reason. Either management or law requires the signage to make the workplace safer for everyone. Workers should read and follow these signs at all times. Ignoring a warning can lead to injuries or even death in some instances.
Have Emergency Plans In Place
Regardless of where the business is or its function, emergencies can happen occasionally. Whether it is a fire, flood, earthquake, medical emergency or another urgent situation, the company should have plans in place for an emergency response. Management should inform the entire staff of the plans and go over what everyone should do in an emergency.
Report Incidents Immediately
An injury can range in seriousness from severe to very minor. Regardless of the severity, report it immediately to a supervisor. Mention even a small cut on a finger. It is possible that the cut may become infected and lead to more significant problems. If the incident occurred during work, reporting it immediately is the only way to make sure the company knows it is a work-related injury. This is important for financial reasons and it will let management know if there is a hazard at work.