Steam Autoclave Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Autoclave bags
- Labels
- Permanent marker
- Shallow stainless steel tray
- Water
- Steam autoclave
- Biological indicator vials
- User logbook
- Autoclave maintenance logbook
- Biological indicator test results logbook
- Apron
- Heat-resistant gloves
- Closed-toed shoes
- Eyewear
Use biohazard labels for bags containing infectious wastes. Bags containing non-infectious wastes need not be labeled.
Place sharps in a metallic pan instead of packing them inside autoclave bags. Stainless-steel trays are preferable.
Fill liquid substances to less than half the container height to prevent spills. Use containers made from borosilicate glass or other heat-resistant glass, as they can withstand high temperatures and do not tend to crack easily.
Place solid waste substances in autoclave bags and add a little water. When the autoclave process begins, and the temperature in the chamber rises, this water gets converted into steam and flushes out all residual air remaining inside the bag.
Place a tray under glass jars containing liquids, as the glassware may crack or leak due to sudden temperature and pressure shocks.
Place the load loosely inside the autoclave. Do not overfill as it will hinder steam circulation. Never place any load at the bottom of the steam autoclave. Use the racks instead.
Plug in the cap loosely instead of sealing the mouth of glassware containing liquids.
Open the mouth of all autoclave bags while loading.
Operating Parameters
Close the door of the autoclave after loading is complete, and set the temperature and time controls. Read the steam autoclave instructions carefully as the operating procedure for different steam autoclave models can differ. Usually for any model, sterilization time of 20 minutes is maintained at 250 degrees Fahrenheit and 15 PSI pressure.
Use biological indicators once every month to monitor the efficiency of the autoclave procedure.
Maintain the record for the autoclave use, maintenance, as well as a record of biological tests conducted every month. Record keeping is an important aspect of autoclave procedure.
Put on protective equipment before unloading. Never open the door without wearing an apron, heat-resistant gloves, closed-toed shoes and eyewear.
Open the door at the end of the cycle, only after the autoclave has cooled to below 176 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure gauge indicates zero. Start by opening the door 1/2 inch until all the steam is gone.
Carefully unload the sterilized load onto a cart. Allow it to cool for an hour before handling the hot load.
Dump the biohazardous waste bags in waste bins.