OSHA Asbestos Awareness Training
The Oregon Department of Consumer Business and Services defines asbestos as "a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals with high tensile strength, flexibility, and resistance to thermal, chemical, and electrical conditions." Asbestos exposure is linked to life-threatening conditions, including gastrointestinal cancer, mesothelioma and lung cancer. Symptoms of disease caused by asbestos exposure usually do not appear for 20 or more years. Individuals working with asbestos must be specially trained to handle and avoid the hazardous material. There are four classes of OSHA asbestos awareness training.
Class I Training
Class 1 Awareness Training pertains to the removal of thermal system insulation (TSI) or surfacing asbestos-containing material (ACM) and presumed asbestos-containing material (PACM). Training guidelines are outlined in OSHA 40 CFR 763. Training is conducted in a manner that meets the EPA's Model Accreditation Plan. Class I involves four days of instruction and at least 14 hours of hands-on-training. Workers are tested by an end-of-course examination. Workers must take an additional eight hours of training annually.
Class II Training
OSHA Class II training covers the removal of ACM in non-thermal system insulation, including wallboards, tile and roof shingles. Training covers several concepts, including asbestos recognition, health affects and protective controls. Students learn the content and requirements of the asbestos standard, medical surveillance program requirements, how to read legends on signs and labels, how to post signs and labels and about smoking cessation programs. Training requirements include a minimum of eight hours of instruction and hands-on activities. There is no official requirement for the duration of refresher courses.
Class III Training
Class III awareness training teaches repair and maintenance operations in places where ACM or PACM is likely to be found and disturbed. Class III training covers all of the concepts covered in Class II training and includes general asbestos information, health effects of asbestos exposure, location of types of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, respiratory protection methods and damage recognition. The course duration is 16 hours. The training consists of hands-on and classroom instruction. Workers are required to take annual refresher courses.
Class IV Training
Class IV of OSHA asbestos training is based on cleanup activities. Workers remove dust and waste related to the Class I, II and III activities but do not actually remove asbestos. Class IV training focuses on the recognition of asbestos damage and ways to avoid exposure. The course duration is two hours. Annual refresher courses are required.
Training Sources
Employers and workers seeking asbestos awareness training can find resources from the state in which they live. The OSHA.gov website contains a link to state programs. Various private companies are authorized by state governments to provide asbestos training to workers in a number of industries.