How to Write a Health & Safety Policy

Organizations, institutions, educational facilities and businesses often find it helpful to set down their objectives, arrangements and general approach to managing health and safety for their clients, employees and other on-site personnel. A good health and safety document will spell out how the management intends to relate to health and safety issues in a way that creates a safe environment for all concerned. Health and safety policy writers can use a policy that others already use as a template, or they can create their own to meet their individual needs.


    • 1

      Conduct a risk assessment to examine possible health or safety hazards in the environment. Survey personnel and review all jobs and tasks to evaluate any possible health or safety risks. Take all possible precautions to reduce or eliminate health and safety risks in the environment.

    • 2

      Review health and safety policies of other similar workplaces or facilities to learn how they have created a comprehensive health and safety policy.

    • 3

      Begin writing the health and safety policy with a Statement of Intent, stating the facility's intent to provide a safe and healthy environment.

    • 4

      Set out the organizational structure of the organization or facility. Show clearly who holds responsibility for which tasks, including who holds responsibility for ensuring that the facility takes immediate steps to alleviate any safety or health risks.

    • 5

      Write how the facility implements procedures and systems to meet health and safety commitments.

    • 6

      Write a handbook that outlines, for all personnel, the safety and health policies of the facility. Issue the handbook to all employees and review it periodically. Demonstrate management's commitment to the health and safety of personnel.

    • 7

      Write the health and safety policy in accordance with all local laws and regulations.

    • 8

      Write a list of the health services (including insurance policies) available to personnel.

    • 9

      Involve personnel when writing a health and safety policy. Encourage personnel to feel their importance in formulating the facility's policy.

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