What Is Considered a Hot Work Permit?
Hot Work
According to OSHA, "Hot work means work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or similar flame or spark-producing operations." Hot work operations are potentially dangerous, especially when conducted near or around an equally hazardous environment. That is why federal code 29 CFR 1910.119. states, "Hot work permits must be issued for hot work operations conducted on or near a covered process. This typically can apply to a process that involves toxic or reactive materials, as well as certain quantities of flammable gases or liquids."
Permit Issuance
For most companies contractors and subcontractors, the fire marshal, safety engineer or maintenance manager typically issues a hot work permit. Universities actually have hot work programs because their permits address locations and equipment specific to a campus. Permits help to prevent fires and other related hazards that sparks, open flames and heat-producing operations can potentially cause. To comply with industry standards, people and businesses in the renovations, maintenance and construction fields may need a hot work permit.
A permit is usually required for every structure where the hot work is performed. Even when work is done by one contractor but performed on multiple buildings, multiple permits are necessary. The same is true for contractors and subcontractors. When planning to be engaged in hot work activities, each is responsible for acquiring a hot work permit. Universities generally have their own environmental health and safety office that is responsible for overseeing a hot work program.
The hot work permit contains a checklist that the contractor must apply while working on the hot work project, and he must sign off on it each day. The permit is designed to serve more than one function. It complies with federal regulations and informs all employees of a potentially hazardous environment. It also allows workers to highlight, implement and document necessary safety precautions involved in the hot work project. Additionally, the permit helps to remind contractors that they are responsible for fire prevention before, during and after the hot work activity.
A hot work permit is issued with a time constraint, typically one week or less. The permit must be posted at the work site along with a phone number to call in case of a related emergency. An OSHA inspection involving BP North American Inc. is one example of how costly non-compliance with OSHA can be. Following the 2009 inspection of a refinery, OSHA proposed millions in fines and worker's compensation payments. "The inspection revealed that workers were exposed to serious injury and death in the event of a release of flammable and explosive materials," according to a CompNewsNetwork article.