Correct Way to Wear an H2S Monitor
Things You'll Need
- 24-inch military-grade aluminum-ball neck chain
- Measuring tape
- Wire cutters
- Permanent marker
Military-grade aluminum-ball chains provide excellent strength. Connect the two ends of the neck chain in front of you. Firmly grip opposite sides of the chain and tug with moderate force to ensure integrity. If the chain breaks, replace it with a new chain that has larger links.
Unclasp the chain. Run one end through the loop or ring at the top of the H2S monitor. Affix chain behind your neck, positioned on top of all safety clothing. Ensure that the H2S readout screen faces outward, is fully exposed to the air and is not obstructed by clothing.
Ensuring the H2S monitor is less than 18 inches from your nose is vital to proper readout. Take the measuring tape in your dominant hand. Lean your head back, creating the longest possible distance between your nose and the monitor. Place measuring tape directly below your nostrils, and pull down on the remainder so it falls directly over the H2S sensor. Note the measurement in inches.
If the measurement is 18 inces or less, the task is complete. If larger than 18 inches, unclasp the chain and remove the H2S sensor. Subtract 18 inches from the actual distance between your nose and the monitor. This number will be X. Measure X inches up the chain, on the opposite side of the clasp, marking the spot.
Military-grade chains are also easy to adjust. Take wire cutters firmly in your dominant hand. Locate the aluminum chain ball closest to your mark. Cut the chain flush against the chain ball; the chain will now securely fit into the clasp. Place the monitor back on the chain and clasp around the neck.