Contractor Safety Training and Orientation Programs
Contractors Safety Training
Safety training helps prevent injuries No matter what area of the workforce a contractor worker is in, he must receive safety training specific to that line of work. Businesses that hire contractor workers are required to either provide safety orientation and training, or acquire proof that the worker has already completed both.
Businesses and organization entities should provide safety training for their employees. Many safety programs state that all workers, whether long- or short-term, complete the training provided by the entity, whether or not they have received other training.
Training for Supervisors
Supervisors who deal with contractors must be trained in all areas of safety that the work will involve. If a supervisor is required to guide or supervise work for which she has not received safety training, the supervisor should report the situation to a superior before the job is started.
Safety orientation is the first required component of OSHA Safety Training. The orientation is an overview of safety regulations the workers will learn. Safety training covers the hazards of the specific jobs a worker will be involved in.
Orientation also acquaints contract workers with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which states that workers have the right to a safe workplace and the training that will help them remain safe. Workers also learn the rights and responsibilities of their employer, as well as themselves as employees of the company. Ways to contact OSHA with a complaint are included in an orientation session of safety training.
10- or 30-Hour Safety Training
Contractors in any line of work must complete an OSHA 10-hour course in either the Construction, or the General Industry fields. Guidelines are set by OSHA to address the hazardous issues a worker might face.
Construction contractors will learn about specific safety issues. Equipment or machinery safety, lockout/tagout, electrical safety, fall protection, and personal protective equipment, and hazard materials are some of the issues presented in the training.
General industry courses include some of the same items as for construction contractors. Other areas specific to certain general industry jobs would include ergonomics, machine guarding and industrial hygiene.
Supervisors may be required to take the 30-hour OSHA course, which is a more comprehensive study of the safety training areas. This will allow for the supervisor to be ready to take command of more types of work.
Contractors may also be required to take a 30-hour course, depending on the contractor or company's policies.
Safety Training Certifications and Updates
Contract workers should carry OSHA training certification cards with them, but also will need to give a copy to the employer for OSHA recordkeeping requirements.
The general time limit for safety training updates is every other year. But the company hiring the contractors may require more frequent updates.
Weekly short (tailgate-type) meetings and monthly safety meetings will help keep contractors up to date on safety issues. New information, using different equipment or procedures, or refresher courses, will help keep all workers knowledgeable on the safety training that could save them or someone else from injury or death.