Types of Body Mechanics
Keep your shoulders back and down, and your chest up and out when you walk, stand and sit. Maintain your chin retracted--think of a turtle bringing its head in to the shell. Practicing proper posture will affect other types of body mechanics.
Bend in your hips and knees when you lift and use your leg muscles and buttocks. Avoid twisting your back and always contract your abdominal muscles. Consider the size of the object before you lift it.
Someone who must stand for prolonged periods of time should switch position often and use proper posture to relieve the spine.
Pulling and Pushing
Avoid pulling any object but try to come up with a way to push it instead. "It is easier to utilize your weight advantage when pushing," according to PainPointPillowSource.com. When pushing, place one foot behind the other, keep your back straight, bend the knees, tighten the abdominals and use both arms and legs.
Attempt to maintain your spine neutral when sleeping. Best sleeping positions include lying on your side or on your back. Use a slender pillow and avoid sleeping on your stomach.