Is Bora Care Lethal to Humans?
How does Bora-Care work?
Bora-Care's main active ingredient is borate salt and the pesticide is applied directly to the affected structure itself. Once ingested by the insect, Bora-Care blocks the insect's ability to process nutrients and the insect starves.
Types of Contact
Bora-Care can act as a mild irritant when it comes in contact with the eye or when the chemical's vapors are inhaled. While oral ingestion is the most dangerous way to ingest the pesticide, Bora-Care is not known to be a skin irritant unless there are pre-existing conditions.
Lethal Dose
According to a material safety data sheet by Borate Products, an amount of 5 grams or more of Bora-Care for each kilogram of body weight is considered a lethal dose in humans.
Warning Signs and Side Effects
Some signs of over-exposure to Bora-Care are nausea, drowsiness and dizziness. If exposed to the eye, Bora-Care may cause burning or irritation. Orally ingested, the insecticide can cause difficulty in breathing, kidney or brain damage, heart failure and death.
If Bora-Care is orally ingested professional medical attention should be sought immediately.