How to Wash Fiberglass off of the Body

Working with fiberglass can be very dangerous if not used with caution. Fiberglass is a man-made fiber that is also known as fibrous glass or glass wool. It is used for many different things, including insulating pipes, roofing materials and is in some plastics. When fiberglass is cut or sanded it produces dust. The dust can get onto your skin and can be swallowed, which is why you should wear proper clothing and masks to eliminate contact. If for some reason it still gets on your skin, there are steps you can take to get it off without spreading it or irritating your skin further.

Things You'll Need

  • Shower to rinse off
  • Soap to clean skin
  • Washing machine to wash clothes
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      Remove all clothing that has been exposed to the fiberglass. Do this outside of your home or vehicle so that the fiberglass does not get onto anything or anyone else. Make sure not to touch any other areas of your body--you could spread it into your eyes and nose.

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      Shower as soon as you shed from the clothing. Use lukewarm, or if you can, cold water. Do not use hot water because it will open your pores and allow the fiberglass to go deeper into your skin. Stand under the cool water and saturate your body completely to remove the fiberglass that is on the surface.

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      Clean your hands and under your fingernails well before touching any other part of your body. Next, wash your hair and under your fingernails again.

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      Wash the rest of your body. You may want to repeat washing your body a few times to make sure that all of the fiberglass has been removed.

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      After washing and rinsing completely, use a towel that has not been exposed to fiberglass--even if you may have just touched it to get it out before you got into the shower.

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