About OSHA Approved Safety Training Programs
OSHA Training Institute (OTI)
According to OSHA, the OTI conducts health and safety training to "federal and state compliance officers, state consultants, other federal agency personnel and the private sector."
OTI Education Centers
Located throughout the United States, these education centers provide the most commonly requested OTI courses to the private sector. Several courses are also available online.
Construction Industry
This is part of OSHA's program focuses on training personnel to become instructors for the construction and general industries. These instructors are qualified to teach the 10 hour and 30 hour safety courses to workers.
Maritime Industry
This OSHA outreach program emphasizes training shipyard workers. It includes ship repairing, shipbuilding, and shipbreaking.
Disaster Site Workers
This OSHA outreach program certifies trainers to teach a 16 hour safety course in disaster site clean-up operations.
Resource Center Loan Program
The resource center loans training videos to OSHA employees, OTI education centers, and trainers.