How to Operate a Forklift

Operating a forklift is more difficult than many people think. These vehicles may look like a small truck but more is involved than simply driving them in the right direction. Drivers have to be able to balance their loads, maneuver in tight spaces and judge distances. While training will give you the basics of how to operate one of these machines, practice will be necessary before you really get the hang of it.

Things You'll Need

  • Forklift
  • Keys
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    • 1

      Inspect your forklift. Check the tire pressure, the fuel level (or charge level if it's battery-powered) and read the nameplate that lists the load weight the forklift is rated for.

    • 2

      The forks should be down just above the ground and the machine itself in park when you begin. Strap on your seat belt and start the forklift up.

    • 3

      Shift the forklift into reverse to make sure that the backing up alarm sounds. Look behind you to make sure that your path is clear. Then reverse out of your parking space and shift into drive.

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      Drive the forklift forward and slide the forks under the pallet you wish to lift. The forks should go all the way under and the pallet should press up against the carriage. Lift the forks slowly so that the pallet is far enough above the ground so that it won't scrape.

    • 5

      Make certain that the weight is centered on the forks. Then drive slowly toward your destination, making certain to take corners slowly so as not to topple. When you arrive there, drive forward and lower the forks. Reverse the forklift until the forks are out from under the pallet and then raise them slightly again so that they're not scraping the ground.

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